Siemens Artis ZEEGO



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Siemens offers the Artis zeego, a robotic-assisted positioning capability for interventions in both radiology and cardiology, as well as the developing OR environment, designed to offer greater flexibility of movement and image acquisition.

Rotational angiography delivers large-volume syngo DynaCT to visualize the entire abdomen or the entire thoracic spine showing the complete region of interest. Ergonomically designed working positions are available due to the system’s isocenter, in order to increase operator comfort during long and complex procedures. Parking positions maximize the use of room space during patient transfers. When the system is not in use it can be suited for the OR or hybrid environment.

Combined with the existing 2D and 3D features and applications common across the entire Artis zee family, the Artis zeego is poised to deliver enhancements in imaging and workflow.

The Artis zee family also now integrates with IZ3D, an online quantitative measurement tool which provides high-speed quantification for accurate lesion measurement. Physicians can use the tool to precisely assess a lesion’s diameter profile and the degree of stenosis via a 3D model of the vessel. This model can be rotated freely in space to eliminate foreshortening effect.


  • Current location: Australia
  • Installed: 2011
  • Tube Type: MEGALIX Cat Plus 125/20/40/80-122GW
  • Tube replaced: September 2020
  • Detector Type: pixium 4700
  • Replaced: 2016

SK Level 7 SIEMENS, 3D Acquisition (Key), Automap-Module (key), BSR Quant QVA (key), CD-ROM Archivmodule (key), Care DPF-Module (key), Care monitor/-guard , key), Care position module (key), Care profile module (key), DICOM Print (key), DICOM Worklist (key), DICOM-Query/Retrieve(key), DICOM-Storage (key), DR DYNA (key), DR-Module (key), DSA Acquisition Module (key), Digital ACQ. Zoom-Module (key), Dynavision (key), Fluoro Loop Module (key), MPPS Support Key, PS-Printer (key), Syngo SW AX license (key), Remote Assistance (key), Artis Test license FL loop (trial)

Detailed item list:
Detector 30×40 / 4700, Examination control console, MultiDisplayManager-3, Large Display DSC 5608-DC, RCU-Rack, Diamentor K1-S for Artis, Siemens LCD Flat Screen 19.1″, Isolation amplifier OTV-VGA, Isolation amplifier OTV-VGA, UNI Tabletop, Foot switch, Converter Analog to DVI-D, Converter Analog to DVI-D, Wireless XRay FSW Mono, AXIS Monoplan BB, ACE Long, Floor Mout.Table (Stepp./Tilt), High Voltage Transformer A100, Main Distributor VC13, POLYDOROS A100, Kuka-Roboter SW – V5.4.4_B16, IVS Appl. VC14G.100406_2-DVD, IAS Appl. VC14G.100406_2-DVD, Syngo SW AX license (key), Digital ACQ. Zoom-Module (key), CD-ROM Archivmodule (key), PS-Printer (key), DICOM-Storage (key), DICOM-Query/Retrieve(key), SK Level 7 SIEMENS, Artis Test license FL loop (trial), DSA Acquisition Module (key), DR-Module (key), BSR Quant QVA (key), Care DPF-Module (key), Care profile module (key), Care position module (key), Fluoro Loop Module (key), Automap-Module (key), DICOM Worklist (key), DICOM Print (key), MPPS Support Key, Dynavision (key), DR DYNA (key), 3D Acquisition (Key), Radiation protection, Artis Floor, Collision prot. FD30x40 Laserlight, Multi-axis Stand, Kuka control unit KCP, Cooling unit, Cooling unit for SSFD, Robot control module LCM, Robot control module RCM, ECC operation ECC-J, Copy protection dongle(USBdongle), Collimator ctrl. module CCM V2 uni, Stand Control Cabinet (rescue), Table control TCM-S V2, Display black/white 19″ DSB1908-DC, Display black/white 19″ DSB1908-DC, Large display MDM Container, Display black/white 19″ DSB1908-DC, Terason SW Konfiguration, Examination control console, ECC operation ECC-J, Collimator ctrl. module CCM V2 uni, Robot control module LCM, Robot control module RCM, DCS wide screen display extended, Verbundankerpatrone HVU-TZ, Injektionsmoertel HIT-HY 150 330/2/, I/O board SafeRDW, Robotic Stand safeRDW, FD RTC V5, Collimator AMC AL MCx, Motorcontroller Unit Table, Robot control module RCM, Robot Control PC, Artis Appl.VC21B_ IVS_130514, Masterclone DVD_sX-WP_VB21B_R640, Masterclone DVD_sX-WP_VB21B_R670-2, DVD MC_sX-WP_VB21B_M470-2_Q4000, DVD MC_sX-WP_VB21B_M470-2_FX5800, Recovery-DVD _sX-WP_VB21B, Masterclone DVD_sX-WP_VB21B_R650, Mouse module V2, Robot control module LCM, Robot control module RCM, Wireless XRay FSW Mono, IVS-S BB2 PC, MEGALIX Cat Plus125/20/40/80-122GW, ECC operation ECC-J, CAN2USB old, Mouse Module, new V3,


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